Household Insurance

Household Insurance Cover
We know what it takes to protect your home and family.
Household insurance cover is essential for all homes, no matter the size. With so many different household insurance providers today, it can be confusing to decide on one. Most household insurance companies offer a variety of covers, which are of no use if they don’t cater to your specific needs.
Insurance coverage for the home can be risky, but it can also be rewarding. You can count on us to calculate your risk of loss, determine your insurance needs, and determine your risk management strategies. Using our extensive knowledge of all major short-term insurance companies and specialized insurance firms, we provide you with tailored solutions that meet your specific needs.
With our household insurance cover, we can help you protect, build, or maintain your wealth.
Household insurance cover is important and by all means necessary. Those with existing coverage from other brokerages or firms can re-broker to determine whether the current premiums are fair and, if necessary, to acquire better rates.
Finstar’s household insurance cover can be bought to protect your belongings if they are damaged or stolen. Cover for different items may vary, but you’ll typically find that your household insurance will cover your home, its fixtures and fittings, furnishings, clothes, personal belongings, DIY tools and some valuables.